February 18, 2008


I just turned the corner to feeling better after a horrible week with the flu. Ugh. Let me just say, it was pretty bad. I am glad to see it go. I thought I would never recover. Over the past week however, I did realize how much being sick affected my appetite. My diet consisted of crackers, fruit bar popsicles, water, orange juice and macaroni. I didn't seem to be hungry, which is so out of the ordinary for me. Valentine's day was also last week, which totally stunk. I had lovely reservations at Top of the 80s, which by the way is an amazing restaurant with an amazing view. I picked around my food, but ended up bringing most of it home. I kind of knew that would happen in advance.

On a lighter note: I went to a dinner party at my boyfriend's relatives house and had some fabulous chicken and lasagna. The chicken was breaded and very soft. Supposedly my boyfriend's uncle used to be a chef, so no wonder the food was to die for. :)

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